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Green Power Easy for DIY Wind Turbines January 21, 2010

Posted by teemike in renewable energy sources, Uncategorized.
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A while back, I received my monthly electric bill: $241. Not so bad that I was apoplectic, but it made me think. How much did I spend on electricity last year? I called the electric company and was told the total was
a little over three thousand dollars. And I live in a small midwestern town, where power is “cheap”.
I know some people in Los Angeles who routinely pay over $800 per month!
It was then that I decided to do something about this monthly drain on my bank account. I went shopping online for alternative energy sources.
After browsing through 20-30 thousand dollar dealer-installed systems for a while, I knew these were not for me. There had to be a cheap alternative, otherwise green power was going to be out of my price league. It was then I found several websites that promised inexpensive plans for inexpensive power, and I got busy researching the most popular ones. I`m glad I did.
I found that for a nominal fee of from 50-$100 I could buy plans to build my own turbine out of very inexpensive parts that were easily available. Now I only had to decide on which system to buy.
I settled on a new company after reading several unbiased reviews, and bought my plans. Not being a particularly mechanical person, I asked a friend to help, and after finding the parts we needed very cheaply, we assembled them, mounted the whole thing on a pole, and “fired it up”.
The wind speed that day was 10-15 miles per hour, and my buddy`s voltmeter said that my new toy was putting out about 90 volts. I was thrilled.
The next step was to call the power company and get a technician to come and install an extra meter,
[to count the money I was saving] and hook it to the power system.
Since I live in a windy state, my new generator worked pretty much 24-7, and when my next power bill arrived, I eagerly tore into it to find that I had saved $191 dollars that month.
That was about what I had invested!
Since then, I have saved an average of 81% off my power bill, and I am looking forward to installing another, identical unit so that the power company can pay ME for a change!

Goo-Gool Deflowers Yet Another Pay-Per-Click Virgin… January 12, 2010

Posted by teemike in advertising, internet marketing, pay-per-click, Uncategorized.
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Goo-Gool, the alien posing as the internet giant Google, has just
recieved word that another order from one of his Soo-Per-Ahf-e-le-ahts
has been turned into his newest pay-per-click ad account.
As usual, he rubs his claws together greedily while salivating green
slime, for it seems “Bob”, [or was it “Molly”?], has purchased a
spanking-new sure-fire guide to earning HUGE commissions with
pay-per-click ads, and has created his [or her] Adwords account in
the expectation of striking it rich overnight.
Nothing else can make Goo-Gool so happy.
You see, Goo-Gool knows that this neophyte marketer will rush
headlong into an ad campaign, target all the wrong keywords, write
ad copy that only attracts tire-kickers, and drop a bundle of cash
squarely into Goo-Gool`s lap, making his quest for world domination
a little closer to reality.

[For Clarification of just what Goo-Gool is,visit here: http://wp.me/pozFP-1Z%5D

“Bob”, [or “Molly”], should have known better.
He, [or she] should have known that only a tiny percentage of marketers
actually make money with pay-per-click advertising because of all the
details that the Goo-Roos leave out of their latest and greatest product.
Think of it this way: If you had a system that made you hundreds or
even thousands of dollars a day, would you share it with every Tom,
Dick, and Harry who could come up with 47, 77, or 97 dollars?
I know I wouldn`t, and neither will Goo-Gool`s minions, the Goo-Roos.
What the beginning marketer REALLY needs is a way to duplicate the
ad campaigns of the select few who actually make money with Adwords.
When a budding pay-per-click marketer comes to the realization that
the profits are reserved for only the elite,[because they`re REALLY
GOOD at it}, then buyer`s remorse for the purchase of that “guaranteed”
adwords course tends to set in rather quickly.
So, whattaya do about this terrible inequity? How do you make the
same outrageous profits that the “Gurus” make? You COPY what they
are doing!
I know, there are numerous systems for sale that can, and will show
you how to do that, but almost every one of them are membership sites,
meaning you are fed a little of the formula at a time, for as long as you
pay them your monthly fees.
Affiliate Espionage is different. For a one-time, very reasonable fee,
they will teach you how to…Copy Profitable Ad Campaigns.
Affiliate Espionage will show you the keywords they`re using, theprice
they are paying for those keywords, all the other sites he or she is
promoting, all THOSE keywords, whether or not he or she is making
any money promoting those keywords, and much, much more.
Now you can copy profitable ads that you KNOW will make money,
without any guess work, split testing, or losing your hard-earned cash!


Build a List, or Kiss Making Money Online Goodbye January 5, 2010

Posted by teemike in internet marketing, list building, search engine optimization, Uncategorized.
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Strong words in the title, and some will think that it`s hype, but in the internet marketing world, no truer words were ever spoken, and you can either believe them or doom yourself to failure as an online marketer. Ever wonder why your inbox is constantly flooded with free stuff? Free e-books, [most outdated], free reports, [all self- serving], free products, software, advice, [most of which sends you to a product] and free newsletters, [all of which want to sell something to you]. I`m not complaining, I`ve downloaded many valuable free assets that I couldn`t have afforded at the time, some of which have made money for me. Besides, this is a solid, legitimate marketing strategy…list building! Now, if you are new, or relatively new, to internet marketing, you are probably curious as to what all the fuss is about concerning building a mailing list. Let me enlighten you: The only way you will ever make money online is to drive the right kind of targeted traffic to offers that the traffic is actually wanting to buy, hence the word “targeted”. If you belong to ad exchanges, safelists, etc., then you are doing what I like to call “shotgun advertising”, which scatters your message to the winds with the hope that some will come to rest in the right spot. Very little of it does. Almost all free advertising fits in this category, and produces very little, or nothing, in the way of sales. Perhaps you can afford pay-per-click ads, and maybe you have made money with them. My guess is you`ve probably LOST money, because ppc is a highly specialized skill that has been mastered only by a few thousand elite marketers, and no matter what they tell you in the ads they run for their latest and greatest products, they will NOT share all you need to know about it for 47, 77, or 97 dollars. Now about list building: Statistics show that every member of a marketer`s mailing list, if treated right, is worth, on average, about a dollar per month to the list owner. A list of ten thousand should pay you, the list owner, an average of somewhere in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars, and that`s a very good neighborhood, indeed. What do I mean by “treated right”? Well, if I`m on someone`s list, there are certain things I expect, such as the freebies I mentioned at the beginning of this article, and some things I don`t want, which is to be deluged with offers on a daily basis. So, how to build a list, build it quickly, and keep the opt-ins on your list happy? Go to this web address for the best solution: http://budaboy1.autolist.hop.clickbank.net/

Health Insurance: Will it be Forced On Us? Is That a Bad Thing? December 5, 2009

Posted by teemike in health and fitness.
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There is no doubt that the present health care system in the United States is severely flawed. When the system`s decision to treat a patient aggressively or not depends upon the implications for the hospital`s bottom line, the patient who is unable to pay is in a lot of trouble.
Doctors and hospitals seem much more concerned with making profits these days than saving lives, and if you have no system set up to pay for a catastrophic illness, the odds are that illness is going to kill you!
Then there are the HMO`s, which were supposed to provide quality care for a much lower price. The only thing is, any test or procedure that costs real money, [and what doesn`t these days] is somehow magically not covered by the HMO, who will tell you that transplant, MRI, or chemotherapy that may save your life, is “unnecessary”.
Hillary Clinton tried mightily to get health care reform passed after her husband was elected in 1992, but the Republican Party, [which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the giant drug companies] shot down anything and everything that may have cost big business a single penny.
Now another democrat is in office, trying to make sense of a health care system that would rather allow you to die than lose a dollar on your care, and it looks as though he will succeed in forcing every American to have health care insurance. The question is: IS THAT A BAD THING?
Let me tell you an honest-to-God true story…
I have a friend who bought a gun, and while he was trying to learn about the gun, he accidentally shot himself. Although the bullet struck no vital organs, he none the less, had to be operated on, and spent a week or so in a hospital. What did his bills amount to? $580,000!!!
My friend was ruined financially for life, because health insurance was “too expensive”.
I know that health insurance is expensive, it puts a severe crimp in my own budget, but recently, a trip to the emergency room which turned out to be a false alarm cost my insurance company over $3,000, enough to pay my monthly premium for quite a spell.
Now, the point of all this: I`m convinced that mandatory health insurance is a good thing, but what will happen to premiums after the bill is passed? Insurance companies are rapacious predators, how do YOU think they will react when we are all forced to buy insurance, thus spilling blood in the water, so to speak?
To get several health insurance quotes absolutely free, with no obligation on your part, go here:

Caralluma Burn: Natural Appetite Suppression December 4, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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According to the O.E.C.D., the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developement, there is a new member of the highly competitive group of drugs known as natural appetite suppressants. Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant of the cactus family that grows wild all over India.

It seems that tribes people in India have been using what they like to call the “famine plant” to suppress hunger pangs in times of low food production for thousands of years. Tribes people have also used the plant for the increased stamina it provides, working the fields for hours on end without food to provide the necessary strength to do so. Mountain tribesmen have used the plant to combat fatigue and the effects of high altitude.

Caralluma fimbriata has been subjected to several clinical trials under O.E.C.D. guidelines and has been shown to be both safe and effective, with minor side effects that include slight gastrointestinal upset and flatulence, which goes away after a few days. The studies indicated that caralluma is much more effective and safe than other plants or plant extracts and granted the product G.R.A.S., or Generally Recognized As Safe status. Other benefits of the plant are increased energy without the “jitters” associated with other natural stimulants.

The clinical trials seem to indicate that caralluma blocks the activity of several brain enzymes having to do with fat production, thus forcing the body to burn fat reserves.

To learn more about Caralluma Burn, and pick up a free sample bottle, go here:


Caralluma Burn: Maybe an Appetite Suppressant is What You Need… November 26, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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If you are overweight, you`ve already heard, [and used], every excuse in the book. “Everything I eat goes straight to my hips” [or thighs, or butt, or belly]. “I can just SMELL food and gain weight!” Or the ones your mom used… “She-He has a glandular condition” [or a hormone im- balance]. But, the odds are, you don`t have any “condition” that forces you to gain weight, because, statistically, those “conditions” are extremely rare. Think about this: When you are watching t.v., the news, a documentary, or whatever shows scenes of people in poor countries, how many do you see who is carrying even one pound of extra weight? You know the truth, don`t you? Almost every person who is overweight, and especially those who are obese, got that way by eating too much, and eating the wrong things. And it`s not just over-eating at meals that is the culprit. I know, from personal experience, the feeling of food cravings, especially in the evening, before bed, the absolute WORST time to eat. In addition, my cravings at night almost always include sugar, whether pie or cake, cookies or candy, soda or brownies. For years I struggled to lose the thirty-or-so pounds extra I carried around on my belly, but could not get past the food cravings. That is, until I discovered a natural appetite suppressant that actually works. Caralluma is the most powerful, effective natural appetite supp- ressant in the world. It is scientifically proven to stop the incessant cravings that we all feel, and coupled with a minimum of exercise, will help you to lose weight rapidly. Know why bariatric surgery works so well? Because it makes it impossible to over-eat! Personally, I don`t want anyone cutting a huge gash in my abdomen and stapling my stomach shut, but the fact that it works, proves that over-eating is the reason most of us are fat. For a free bottle of Caralluma Burn, and proof that it works, go here:http://www.carallumaburn.com/?aid=677036&serialized[cpa]=1

Goo-Gool, Affiliate Espionage, and World Domination October 22, 2009

Posted by teemike in health and fitness, Uncategorized.
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What if the entity known as Google is really an expeditionary force from the planet Ker-N-C, a small green orb in the far-away constellation known only to astronomers called Moo-Lah? Their chain of command would be: Goo-Gool, the supreme leader, who lives aboard that giant triangular space ship that occasionally shows up over one or the other cities on earth in order to download financial records. Goo-Roos, the field commanders whose job it is to convince earthlings to transfer their funds to Goo-Gool, and the lowest echelon, Soo-Per-Ahf-E-Le-Ahts, who perpetuate the myth that Goo-Gool will make earthlings wealthy, if only they transfer enough of the planet`s resources to Goo-Gool. Earthlings being the greedy, lazy, and naive masters of the most desirable planet in the galaxy, are fat pickings for these crafty aliens, who will soon own our planet outright, since all our money, from all over the planet, will be in the hands of Goo-Gool and his minions, due to all this espionage. In the meantime, Goo-Roos and Soo-Per-Ahf-E-Le-Ahts will recruit more and more hapless earth dwellers into the Make- Money-From-Home legions, until governments all over the world are forced to borrow money from Goo-Gool, and soon thereafter, turn over the reins of power to the only “person” on the planet who actually possesses resources. A bit far-fetched, you say? Well, that theory is downright logical compared to the blind obedience we Super Affiliate wanna-bes show the “gurus”, who keep unloading their re-hashed garbage on us on a weekly basis and telling us it`s the “Next Big Thing” in our struggle to make a living from home. You see, there are only a few things we really need to know in order to make money from affiliate marketing. >How to pick products to sell. >How to build a squeeze page. >How to build a list. >How to drive traffic to our squeeze page. If you know these things, and know them well, you will make money from affiliate marketing. Hey, it ain`t alien technology! You probably have all this knowledge stored on your computer even as you read this whimsical little article. But what if you are new to affiliate marketing and DON`T have this information? Well, shopping for “systems” will make you poor quicker than Captain Kirk`s phaser can turn your body into unassimilated molecules! So, what`s the answer, you may ask? What if the World`s #1 Super Affiliate GAVE you a complete marketing system, and trained you to use it for free? http://tinyurl.com/yfq6sq2 And what if you could spend just a little money and get software that would show you exactly what successful marketers are doing in their PPC ad campaigns to make money? http://www.affiliateespionage.com/l/?r=3952
Live Long and Prosper, TeeMike

Your First Adwords Campaign in 8 Easy Steps October 12, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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My first pay-per-click campaign was so scary, it actually kept me awake at night, worried to death that it would fail, and I would lose money I couldn`t afford.

I finally found a system that worked for me, and here it is…

(1) Choose a market with lots of competition, and a product with high gravity. These two things insure that money is being made, both in the market and the specific product you chose.

(2) Think about keywords to use for your campaign: what search terms would YOU enter into a search engine if you wanted to find out more about this market.  Make a note of these keywords.  

(3)    Take the keywords researched in the previous step and enter them into the free Wordtracker tool.  Copy  the lists of keywords that this tool generates into a Notepad and enter them into a free tool like  Good Keywords V2 to get rid of any duplicates.  You now have a list that you will use in step 6, so save it and put it to one side.

(4)  Type the original keywords you thought of in the beginning into Spyfu.com and study the sponsored ads it brings up for those keywords.  Here you will find the most highly promoted offers, the ones that are profitable.

(5)  Click on a few of the highest ranked ads and see where you are directed: Squeeze page or directly to the affiliate product? [If you are not using a squeeze page to get your visitors on your list, you are leaving money on the table].

(6)  Make your keyword list into groups of related keywords:  Take your list of keywords from step 3 and break it into groups of 5 to 15 related keywords, ready to enter into your  Adwords account  

(7)  Create your Google Adwords account and start testing:  Open your Google Adwords account and enter your keyword groups.  Take the plunge and set up an amount per day that you are comfortable with spending.

(8)  After a few days run a Google Adwords Search Query Report: This will tell you what search terms people are using to reach the search page. Now you can eliminate the ineffective keywords and refine your keyword list.

Once you have a successful campaign running, you just rinse and repeat.

Want to know the exact keywords your competiton is using, and how much they pay for them, plus much, much more?

Affiliate Espionage Exposes Profitable Pay Per Click Campaigns With Ease…Get Your Copy Here…


The No-Budget Way to Make Real Money in Internet Marketing September 7, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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For years I searched for the best free traffic for my offers,
and managed to send thousands of clicks to them, with very
little results in the way of conversions. I had come to the
conclusion that pay-per-click advertising was the only thing
that worked, and lost money I couldn`t afford to lose, trying
to learn the ends and outs of google.
In addition, I was internet savvy challenged, not being able
to do a lot of thetechnical stuff that is absolutely necessary if
you want to build websites, build a list, make videos, zip files,
pdf`s, etc. Setting up autoresponders, hosting, copywriting,
articles, private label rights, branding, the list of things that
we need to know is a mile long!
I`ve spent hundreds of precious dollars and thousands of
hours trying to acquire the knowledge I need, and finally found
everything in one marketing system, sent to my in-box as one
more in the endless parade of ads.
Being familiar with the name Ewen Chia, I opened his email and
perused the site for Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0, and was
immediately impressed with the amount of materials, videos,
and information he was offering in the system, but what really
got my attention was the price! I just could not believe he was
almost giving the system away! I bought, immediately, and went
to the website, where I was almost overwhelmed by the value of
SAW 2.0!
There are videos on every subject pertaining to internet marketing,
un-advertised bonuses worth hundreds of dollars, and enough
information to save a person thousands more. This is truly a
complete marketing system.
The instruction I received for practically nothing is more in-depth
and complete than some very expensive packages I`ve purchased
in the past.
Ewen Chia, the world`s #1 Super Affiliate, has always been known
for over-delivering on his promises, but he has absolutely out-done
himself with Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0.
If you are seriously pursuing a career in internet marketing and are
tired of being ripped off, check out SAW 2.0. http://tinyurl.com/nojcyo

The Big Thaw & How to Prevent it Using Wind+Solar Power June 29, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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The polar ice caps are melting at an astounding rate. Sea ice has thinned by about 40% over the past thirty years, and some scientists predict that it will completely disappear in this century. So, you may ask,What`s the big deal? Well, in addition to rising sea levels, which would inundate practically every coastal city and town on earth, entire species would face extinction. In this article we`ll talk only about the arctic and the animals that live there. The ecosystem works this way: Phytoplankton grows beneath the ice and feeds tiny crustaceons known as amphipods, which feed both small fish and giant bowhead whales. The small fish then are food for larger fish and birds. The larger fish are eaten by seals and walruses, which are consumed themselves by the region`s top predator, the polar bear. Take away the ice, and the food chain doesn`t start at all, meaning nothing gets fed, thus starving the entire ecosystem. All the animals, with the exception of those that live in water, are entirely dependant on sea ice and icebergs for a place to live, hunt, and breed. No ice, or ice too far from shore, means the sure extinction of most of these animals. What is causing this catastrophe? You probably never thought that the simple act of flipping a light switch or popping something into the microwave would contribute to the starving of an entire huge area of the world, but it does! Electrical power generating plants are the number one culprit when it comes to making greenhouse gases, which in turn cause global warming. What can we do about it? There are cheap, easy ways to generate your own power that do not produce these gases and will save you many thousands of dollars that you would normally pay to the power company. If the thought of saving starving animals and independence from Big Power are appealing to you, go here:http://tinyurl.com/lw3396