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Green Power Easy for DIY Wind Turbines January 21, 2010

Posted by teemike in renewable energy sources, Uncategorized.
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A while back, I received my monthly electric bill: $241. Not so bad that I was apoplectic, but it made me think. How much did I spend on electricity last year? I called the electric company and was told the total was
a little over three thousand dollars. And I live in a small midwestern town, where power is “cheap”.
I know some people in Los Angeles who routinely pay over $800 per month!
It was then that I decided to do something about this monthly drain on my bank account. I went shopping online for alternative energy sources.
After browsing through 20-30 thousand dollar dealer-installed systems for a while, I knew these were not for me. There had to be a cheap alternative, otherwise green power was going to be out of my price league. It was then I found several websites that promised inexpensive plans for inexpensive power, and I got busy researching the most popular ones. I`m glad I did.
I found that for a nominal fee of from 50-$100 I could buy plans to build my own turbine out of very inexpensive parts that were easily available. Now I only had to decide on which system to buy.
I settled on a new company after reading several unbiased reviews, and bought my plans. Not being a particularly mechanical person, I asked a friend to help, and after finding the parts we needed very cheaply, we assembled them, mounted the whole thing on a pole, and “fired it up”.
The wind speed that day was 10-15 miles per hour, and my buddy`s voltmeter said that my new toy was putting out about 90 volts. I was thrilled.
The next step was to call the power company and get a technician to come and install an extra meter,
[to count the money I was saving] and hook it to the power system.
Since I live in a windy state, my new generator worked pretty much 24-7, and when my next power bill arrived, I eagerly tore into it to find that I had saved $191 dollars that month.
That was about what I had invested!
Since then, I have saved an average of 81% off my power bill, and I am looking forward to installing another, identical unit so that the power company can pay ME for a change!

The Cult of Consumerism and the Coming Depression January 10, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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There is a global economic meltdown in progress that shows no sign of letting up. There is no light at the end of the tunnel!

Millions have lost their jobs in the U.S. and all around the

world, mostly because of corporate greed and life styles that

have been unrestrained and out of control for decades.

Americans wrote the book on excess as long ago as the post-

world war II era, and we have carried the rest of the world, [quite

willingly] down the rabbit-hole of the “me” philosophy.

We have gone through recession before, always knowing that

the end would come in months or, at the most, a year or two,

but that was then, and this is now, and now is a bad time,

indeed for the economic outlook of the entire world.

The entire industrialized world has based its economy on

consumerism for so long that we have “eaten” a great deal of

the planet! We have consumed for the sake of consumption

and the economy has always been robust because of it.

Watch a few hours of television and you will see dozens of

ads. Take stock of the content of those ads and you will

realize that the vast majority are selling totally unnecessary

things, things not needed, but WANTED, and therein is the

catalyst for the economy of the world.

Soon the majority of us will wake up to the fact that we can

no longer afford these extravagances, as the poorest segments

of the population have always known. This realization will spell

the end of consumerism as we know it, and many millions more

will be unemployed.

Fewer jobs will equate to fewer tax dollars, which will equate

to fewer government projects, meaning fewer jobs, and the

economy spirals downward to heaven knows what level.

There are many things we can do to reduce our dependence

on government, the economy, and corporations that employ so

many of us, but the most immediate, [and easiest] thing should

be energy independence.

Power plants are responsible for a very high percentage of the

air pollution in the world, which causes global warming, the most

challenging crisis facing the planet today.

You can break your ties to the giant energy conglomerates

that hold our comfort for ransom each month by generating your

own power through solar and wind generation.

To learn how you can help save the planet, reduce your dependence on fossil fuels, and save many, many thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime, visit here:


Barack Obama: Our First GREEN President? January 10, 2009

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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There is much ado about the election of our first black president, but really, the color of his skin is meaningless

to me. It`s the color of his politics that are of concern,

meaning, “is he green?”

The gap between whites and blacks, hispanics, and other

minorities grows ever smaller in this country and a black

or hispanic president, and eventually a female president,

was inevitable. Fifty years ago it was an impossibility for a

CATHOLIC  to be elected to the highest office!

Mr. Obama has already stated in his speeches that part

of his economic stimulus plan would include big renewable

energy projects and that is encouraging.

After eight years of an administration that was thoroughly

in bed with the oil industry and two centuries of plundering

the planet in the name of the industrial revolution, it is time

to reassess our goals and the future of our planet.

We have burned collossal amounts of non-renewable,

highly polluting fossil fuels in the past two hundred years,

and that energy has given us a dream lifestyle filled with

conveniences and gadgets, toys and transportation that

would have been pure science fiction when Fulton invented

the steam engine and started it all. Unfortunately, we are

now paying a huge price for all these conveniences in the

form of air, soil, and water pollution, as well as global

warming, which, if allowed to continue unchecked, will soon

make our planet a terrestrial hell.

Fossil fuels are the culprit, so what to do about our depend-

ence on them should be foremost in our minds.

Not if, but when the ice caps melt, sea levels will rise at

least thirty feet, inundating almost every coastal city and

town on earth. There is great concern that the influx of all

that fresh water will stop the flow of the gulf stream and

bring on the next ice age.

Are we going to give up all the modern conveniences made

possible by the burning of fossil fuels? Of course not! But

there are things that everyone can do to reduce the size of

their carbon footprint, cheaply, as well as save many thou-

sands of dollars in energy costs!

If you want to learn how you can participate in the saving of the planet, as well as the saving of piles of your hard-earned money, go here:http://tinyurl.com/lw3396