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Lose Excess Weight Safely and Naturally July 20, 2010

Posted by teemike in health and fitness.
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Have you started to worry about losing weight? Our
marvelous lifestyle in America has allowed us to indulge
ourselves pretty much as we please, for several generations
now, and technology does almost everything for us, or we hire
things done that are less than enjoyable. It’s a great way
to live, and I’d be the last one to suggest we give it up,but I’ve
noticed, in the past 20-30 years,the broadening of America,
including myself. The plain facts are, we just eat too much
and exercise too little! I started an exercise program,
walking mostly, and it worked, a little,until summer rolled
around and it got too darn hot, so, being a typical spoiled
American, I exercised less, using the excuse it’s better to
be overweight than dead of heatstroke. Then, I decided to
try some of the natural appetite suppressors on the market.
I got free samples of Hoodia and Acai, but didn’t like the
jittery, caffeine-like feeling they left me with, so I discontinued
those trials and looked for an alternative. That’s when I
discovered a little-known plant extract called Carralluma.
Carralluma, it turns out, has been used for thousands of
years in India to kill hunger pangs and give energy to people
who had to continue working,even though they hadn’t eaten
much. They called it the “famine plant”. The plant is still
used today in that region of the world, and the same
impoverished people who depended on it to get them through
times of hunger now grow the plant commercially, thus
improving the quality of their lives as well. The first thing
I noticed about Carralluma was the absence of those jittery
sensations I got from the other products I’d tried. And then,
I noticed I was no longer experiencing food cravings between
meals, as well as eating less when I did sit at the table. It’s no
miracle drug, I didn’t lose a pound a day as some products
claim, but the weight is coming off, and coming off steadily.
As of this writing, I’ve used it for 8 weeks and have lost 15
pounds, which,to me, IS miraculous! If you would like a free
sample of this safe, effective diet aid, just go here:


Forget Selling! The Money is in CPA Marketing January 26, 2010

Posted by teemike in Uncategorized.
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So you`ve tried affiliate marketing, driven thousands of hits to
someone else`s sites, built their lists for them, and just haven`t
seen the money. Well, I`m sorry to break this to you, but as long
as you promote another`s product without your own website,
that is pretty much what you can expect.
You need a squeeze page to build your own list, your own
domains, websites, and products to make money in affiliate
It takes a massive effort to build a list, brand yourself, and
develop your own products, but to succeed as an affiliate for clickbank
products, it is absolutely neccessary. What to do?
There is a way to by-pass all that drudgery and make a really
impressive income while you are at it: CPA marketing.
CPA stands for cost-per-action, or cost-per-acquisition, meaning
you can be paid for a prospect`s taking a free trial, completing a
short survey, filling in his or her email address, or even their zip
The payment ranges from $1 for a zip code to $55 or more for a
trial of a product, and you do nothing but present the offer to the
prospect, sending them to the website just as in affiliate marketing.
The only difference being, it`s just a whole lot easier to convert a
CPA offer than to sell a product.
I personally am an affiliate for the #1 health product company on
the web, and am happily making a very good income giving stuff
Free trials of products that will make the recipient more healthy
or physically attractive are no challenge at all to convert.
Just tell them you are going to advertise via search marketing,
meaning pay-per-click, and they will welcome you into the fold.
To join Market Health as an affiliate, go here:


Health Insurance: Will it be Forced On Us? Is That a Bad Thing? December 5, 2009

Posted by teemike in health and fitness.
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There is no doubt that the present health care system in the United States is severely flawed. When the system`s decision to treat a patient aggressively or not depends upon the implications for the hospital`s bottom line, the patient who is unable to pay is in a lot of trouble.
Doctors and hospitals seem much more concerned with making profits these days than saving lives, and if you have no system set up to pay for a catastrophic illness, the odds are that illness is going to kill you!
Then there are the HMO`s, which were supposed to provide quality care for a much lower price. The only thing is, any test or procedure that costs real money, [and what doesn`t these days] is somehow magically not covered by the HMO, who will tell you that transplant, MRI, or chemotherapy that may save your life, is “unnecessary”.
Hillary Clinton tried mightily to get health care reform passed after her husband was elected in 1992, but the Republican Party, [which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the giant drug companies] shot down anything and everything that may have cost big business a single penny.
Now another democrat is in office, trying to make sense of a health care system that would rather allow you to die than lose a dollar on your care, and it looks as though he will succeed in forcing every American to have health care insurance. The question is: IS THAT A BAD THING?
Let me tell you an honest-to-God true story…
I have a friend who bought a gun, and while he was trying to learn about the gun, he accidentally shot himself. Although the bullet struck no vital organs, he none the less, had to be operated on, and spent a week or so in a hospital. What did his bills amount to? $580,000!!!
My friend was ruined financially for life, because health insurance was “too expensive”.
I know that health insurance is expensive, it puts a severe crimp in my own budget, but recently, a trip to the emergency room which turned out to be a false alarm cost my insurance company over $3,000, enough to pay my monthly premium for quite a spell.
Now, the point of all this: I`m convinced that mandatory health insurance is a good thing, but what will happen to premiums after the bill is passed? Insurance companies are rapacious predators, how do YOU think they will react when we are all forced to buy insurance, thus spilling blood in the water, so to speak?
To get several health insurance quotes absolutely free, with no obligation on your part, go here: